On 4th October 2024, Signature and the National Deaf Children’s Society wrote to the Welsh Government about the decision to suspend work on the Made-for-Wales BSL GCSE. We outlined our concerns and asked them to meet with us so we could understand more about their decision.
The Welsh Government has now published its response and provided some additional context – you can see their response with BSL Translation here: https://www.gov.wales/letter-national-deaf-childrens-society-cymru-and-signature-bsl-gcse-html
What does the Government’s response say?
In the letter, the Government says it held discussions with several stakeholders who identified challenges that would need to be addressed to make the new qualification a success. These included the lack of an official online ‘repository’ (dictionary) for BSL in Wales, and concerns that there are not enough teachers to successfully deliver the GCSE in Wales. The Government also highlighted that students will still have the opportunity to learn BSL as part of a new Skills Suite qualification.
What do we think?
Signature and the National Deaf Children’s Society are dismayed not to have been included in these discussions, given the extensive work both organisations have done to get the GCSE to this point. We believe this qualification will be incredibly successful if development continues.
We have repeatedly highlighted our firm belief that the Signature teacher data shows there are enough teachers for the initial launch of a BSL GCSE. In the longer term, we expect that as demand for the qualification increases, the supply of teachers will also grow organically, as has happened with other qualifications. If the National Deaf Children’s Society and Signature had been involved in Qualifications Wales’ discussions, we would have been able to share our data and evidence on the teaching workforce with them. We sincerely hope it is not too late to do so.
Ceasing development of the Made for Wales BSL GCSE is heartbreaking and goes back on the repeated promises made by the Welsh Government to deliver a high-quality Sign Language qualification for both deaf and hearing learners. While a BSL qualification as part of the Skills Suite is a welcome addition alongside a BSL GCSE, it is not sufficient on its own as a replacement qualification. It will not provide anywhere near the depth of learning or teaching hours of a GCSE qualification, which is deeply concerning. It also won’t offer meaningful progression for students to further develop their skills.
Next steps
We remain fully committed to working towards a GCSE in BSL in Wales and will meet with Qualifications Wales in early 2025.
There continues to be strong support for a BSL GCSE in Wales, and deaf children and young people tell us it is something they want. The development of the GCSE is a real chance to celebrate deaf culture and history in classrooms and create a more inclusive education system.
Signature and the National Deaf Children’s Society will keep the pressure on Qualifications Wales and the Welsh Government to encourage them to reverse this decision. We will also work together to create and promote pathways for people to succeed in BSL qualifications, which will ultimately promote BSL within Wales.
We believe the challenges described by Qualifications Wales can be overcome and we’re confident that the foundations for a successful rollout are in place. Signature and the National Deaf Children’s Society will continue to build on these foundations to ensure the long-term success of the GCSE, by:
- Working with language experts in Wales to understand the need for creating a BSL repository (dictionary) for Wales.
- Upskilling the existing 1st Language Signature workforce who do not hold a BSL qualification.
- Supporting appropriate teacher training providers to facilitate QTS in BSL.
We hope Qualifications Wales and the Welsh Government will work with Signature and the National Deaf Children’s Society, utilising their expertise and experience with BSL education to make sure that Wales delivers BSL for all.