We know that getting the right level of support is important to you. We have put together this list of frequently asked questions to help you find your answer quickly and easily as possible.
If you can’t find an answer to your question or would like more information, please get in touch.
All of our Qualifications have a specific course length. This is detailed under Total Qualification Time within each Qualification Specification
Each approved centre will set their own costs for studying with them. Once you have found the nearest centre to you please contact them directly for these details.
We aim to release results to your centre within six weeks of your session. They will then notify you directly of your results.
We are unable to give assessment results to learners, so if you do not receive your results within the six weeks you will need to contact your course provider.
If you disagree with your assessment result you should contact your centre immediately to discuss this with them
We aim to issue certificates to your centre within 2 weeks of releasing your results. Your centre will then make arrangements for you to receive it.
Learner ID numbers are no longer needed and you simply register your learner under their name and date of birth. If we have a duplicate record we will merge these to link all records for your learner.
You should contact your centre in the first instance if you have any questions, queries or complaints relating to your course, assessments or results. If required the centre will then contact us on your behalf.
Leave your Name, Email and the manner of your enquiry and member of our very helpful team will get back to you as soon as possible.