Signature’s Campaign for a GCSE in BSL Moves Forward


You may have read a recent article on the BBC website, Signing should be classed as foreign language for GCSE.

Read the article

Public policy is a fast pace environment and there have been a flurry of developments since this article was written.

At the beginning of last week Michael Gove announced radical plans to reform the subject content and assessment criteria for GCSEs in the House of Commons. In the wake of this announcement the Department of Education launched a consultation on the revised subject content of the Modern Foreign Language curriculum.

Signature want to use this consultation to create the conditions for change, by developing a route for BSL to be introduced into the Modern Foreign Language Curriculum.

To be clear we are not calling for BSL to be classed as a foreign language, rather we want it to be included in the modern foreign language group of subjects in the curriculum. We believe BSL is a proud national language in its own right and deserves the same recognition as other languages in the National Curriculum.

It is pleasing that the article received coverage on the BBC news website, as it is important that our campaign is able to reach a national audience. We are keen to cultivate support amongst the deaf community and the wider public for our campaign. Coverage of this sort is an excellent way to achieve this.

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