Signature CPD now available
Signature CPD (Continuing Professional Development) is now available! Developed and presented by subject experts, for communication professionals and teachers, these structured activities will develop your competence and performance whilst contributing towards your CPD portfolio (1 CPD point per activity).
“CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. It enables learning to become conscious and proactive, rather than passive and reactive”. (The CPD Certification Service)
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) safeguards you, your career and the public.
Signature CPD subject areas:
Mental Health – Presented by Dr. Margaret Du Feu OBE
Ethical Reasoning – Presented by Robyn Dean
Interpreting: Mediating police interviews – Presented by Jemina Napier
Arriving in early 2019 – Signature CPD for teachers – Key Teaching Skills and BSL Grammar.
Lindsay Foster, Executive Director at Signature said “I am excited to announce the launch of Signature CPD. This is something that we have wanted to create for a long time, so to finally see the end result in fantastic. To ensure the quality of our CPD activities, we have worked with top professionals in their field. I am extremely pleased to add this to Signature’s range of products on the Signature Learning Hub.”
To purchase Signature CPD. or to find out some further information, please visit