Signature is using a Department of Health consultation to reiterate that communication support for deaf people should be at the heart of the NHS mandate. We responded to the consultation, Refreshing the NHS Mandate, to make sure deaf people receive the safe, high quality communication support they are entitled to from the NHS.
One of Signature’s core recommendations is that the NHS mandate should be modified to include a specific reference to deaf people to make sure they receive safe, high quality care. They are one of the most vulnerable demographics who access NHS services and it is vital that their interests are safeguarded.
Our response also recommended the use of NRCPD registered communication professionals.
Commenting on communication support for deaf people in the NHS Signature chief executive, Jim Edwards, said, “The current situation in the NHS creates an accountability gap by allowing regulated medical professionals to communicate with patients using unregulated, unqualified communication support.
This gap must be bridged to make sure deaf people receive the communication support they need when using NHS services. The consultation exercise provides an opportunity to put deaf communication at the heart of the refreshed NHS mandate.”
Signature is involved in ongoing lobbying on these issues, so keep watching the website for updates.