Signature are proud to be supporting Sign Language Week 2023

Signature is once again proud to be supporting Sign Language Week 2023, the campaign run annually by the British Deaf Association (BDA). 

The theme for Sign Language Week 2023 is: “Protecting BSL”. 

The aim of the campaign is to encourage people of all ages across the UK to take up the challenge of learning BSL for themselves and find out more about the language and culture of the Deaf and Deafblind  British people for whom BSL is their first or preferred language. 

The positive impact of BSL on thousands of deaf people are often under-appreciated. The goal is to make everyone realise the importance of protecting BSL and the importance of raising awareness.

We want to encourage as many people as possible to learn BSL.

BSL Resources

That is why we have created a BSL resource pack that schools, clubs and individuals are free to download, within the pack you will find: 

Click here to download your resource pack 

BSL Lesson

Signature, working together with the British Deaf Association (BDA), have created an online lesson to provide primary schools with the opportunity to learn BSL from a qualified Deaf teacher and to see how their students enjoy the learning experience.

The lesson is presented to pupils by TV presenter Yvonne Cobb, a deaf teacher and TV presenter on ITV and BBC.

BSL Challenge

We will also be running a BSL challenge alongside Signature centre Remark – encouraging people to interact and engage with us for the chance to win a prize. Keep an eye on our social media for more information.


Lindsay Foster, Executive Director at Signature said: “We are delighted to be supporting Sign Language Week once again, it’s a campaign that we have supported for many years now and this years theme of “Protecting BSL” is something we feel is very important.

At the Signature Hall of Fame last year we highlighted the successful work of Deaf or hard of hearing individuals who have worked tirelessly to raise awareness and protect BSL.  This event and the inspiring work of our centres, teachers and learners represents the importance of protecting BSL through the constant work to get more people learning.

As an organisation, we have a lot going on to promote BSL and the culture of deaf people along with promoting our BSL courses and qualifications. It’s going to be a really amazing week!”


Get involved 

Use the following hashtags on social media – #SLW2023   #SignLanguageWeek   #SLWeek2023

Tag us on social media @SignatureDeaf 

Tag the British Deaf Association on social media 

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