Signature Annual Awards – Two Weeks Until Nominations Close

2013 Signature Annual Awards

Have you made your nomination yet in the 2013 Signature Annual Awards?

If you would like to see your favourite teacher crowned Teacher of the Year or that exceptional learner named Learner of the Year you have two weeks left to make your nominations.

We want to hear about your teacher of Signature qualifications. Perhaps they have used innovative teaching methods in your British Sign Language class, or have spent their own time giving your class extra tuition. Have they introduced you to a whole new community where you have met new friends?

Do you know of a learner who as excelled in the classroom? Maybe they are showing great promise of continuing on to a career working with deaf people and are taking the time to help their peers in the classroom. If you do we want to know about them.

Whether you have nominated in the past or are brand new to the Signature Annual Awards making a nomination is easy you can find out how at

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