Quicker Assessment Results and Certificate Delivery

Candidates taking our assessments from 1 December will receive their Signature results and certificates more quickly.

We’ve strengthened our promise to get results to approved centres just six weeks after candidates take their assessments, fourteen days faster than the current eight-week target.

Certificates will follow a maximum of four weeks after the results, twice as fast as the current eight-week target.

“Candidates and our approved centres tell us getting certificates more quickly is the number one issue for them,” said Signature Director of Communications, Paul Parsons, announcing the move. “So we’re really pleased to say that, from next week, successful candidates will be able to proudly display their certificates six weeks earlier than before. That’s just ten weeks after taking their last unit assessment.”

The new service standards come into effect for assessments that take place on or after 1 December 2011.

For further information, please contact your Customer Support Officer.

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