Ofqual GCSE in British Sign Language Consultation feedback

On 15th June 2023, Ofqual released the GCSE in British Sign Language consultation document. The consultation will last for 12 weeks, anyone can provide feedback in written English or BSL and the feedback can be provided here: https://ofqual.citizenspace.com/public/proposed-assessment-arrangements-gcse-bsl/

Following a review of the consultation document and a meeting between key stakeholders (Signature, the National Deaf Children’s Society, British Deaf Association, BATOD, ABSLTA), the stakeholders have agreed to publicly share the feedback that has been agreed between the co-op of organisations.

Signature have also created a glossary of the terms used within the consultation, which includes what they are referred to within the current Level 2 BSL qualification and an explanation of what is meant by each term.

The glossary can be found here – https://www.signature.org.uk/bsl-glossary-2/


Ofqual Consultation Feedback

Proposal: GCSEs in BSL should have one set of assessments for all levels of attainment (assessments that are not tiered).

Q1. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree


Q2. Do you have any comments about GCSEs in BSL having one set of assessments for all levels of attainment (assessments that are not tiered)? No

We welcome that this qualification would be for all students to be included at the same level.


*A non-exam assessment refers to a ‘non-traditional’ exam (i.e. sitting down in an exam hall) it does not mean no exam. The current assessments carried out by Signature at level 2 for Presentation and Conversation are done in a ‘non-exam’ way.

Proposal: GCSEs in BSL should include non-exam assessment (NEA) to assess students’ productive and interactive language skills.

Q3. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree


Proposal: Non-exam assessment (NEA) should account for 60% of the total qualification marks.

Q4. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree


Q5. Do you have any comments about the proposals for non-exam assessment?

We agree that a non-exam assessment is the best method for assessing BSL exams. Dependant on the method of assessment for the remaining 40%.


Proposal: GCSEs in BSL should have the 4 proposed assessment objectives.

Q6. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree


Q7. Do you have any comments about the proposed assessment objectives?

The objectives are clear, and similar to the current Signature Level 2 assessment, this is again dependant on the method of assessment for objective AO4.


Suggestion: Ofqual is considering requiring GCSEs in BSL to have assessments in both languages so that exams are offered in English and in BSL.

Q8. Do you have any comments about the suggestion for assessments in both languages?

We welcome BSL users being able to take all assessments in their first language.

We would be concerned over any plans for a written English paper that could restrict BSL users being able to complete this qualification.


Suggestion: Ofqual is considering including these additional assessment expectations in the regulatory requirements.

Q9. Do you have any comments about these suggested assessment expectations?

We feel this is fair.


Q10. Are there any potential equality impacts that Ofqual has not identified?

We believe it has already been identified, we are keen to make sure first language BSL users are not penalised in any way through the assessment methodology.


Q11. Do you have any suggestions for how any potential negative impacts on particular groups of students could be mitigated?

To make sure that this is accessible for first language BSL users, there needs to be the ability for AOs to be flexible in their assessment approach.


Q12. Are there any potential costs or burdens that Ofqual has not identified?

If this was to be a dual language GCSE (i.e. written paper) – the cost and burden would significantly increase for AOs if long written papers had to be translated to be accessible for first language users.


Q13. Are there any steps Ofqual could take to reduce the costs or burdens of the proposals?

We strongly believe that it is more important that the right approach is taken to this qualification, making it accessible for all, and would prioritise this over any additional cost implications.

BSL Translation

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