New Level 3 Qualification

Earlier last year we told you that we were reviewing our Level 3 NVQ Certificate in British Sign Language and Irish Sign Language. We asked you for your opinions on the topics, assessment methods and suitability of the qualification for progression to Level 6 and Interpreting/Translation qualifications.

Your feedback was an important part of the review. We wanted to make sure the qualification was up to date and continued to meet the needs of you and your learners. We are really grateful to everyone who responded to the survey.

Results of the review showed that you wanted more classroom-based teaching with the focus on sign language and linguistics at level 3.

Key findings:

  • You told us that candidates find the transition between level 2 and level 3 challenging.
  • You told us that the paperwork and the NVQ process is costly, time consuming and could be improved.
  • You asked us to consider other assessment methods which would give candidates the opportunity to demonstrate their competence at level 3.
  • You told us that the current level 3 qualification did not prepare candidates for level 6.

Based on the feedback we received, it is our intention to draft a new level 3 qualification that:

  • includes a teacher programme that focuses on linguistic knowledge and skills;
  • allows candidates to be assessed on their knowledge of the language;
  • has assessment arrangements that are manageable and cost effective.
    We aim to have the improvements in place ready for publication in June 2013 and for delivery in centres from 1 September.

We plan to develop a level 4 qualification in BSL and ISL for learners who wish to develop their skills as part of our progression route to Level 6 and the professional levels. We aim to make this qualification available in 2014.

Further information

If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Support Officer who will be happy to help.

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