Level Two BSL Homework Now Available

We are pleased to announce that Level 2 is now available on our new online BSL Homework site.

Developed with BSL teachers from across the UK, the BSL Homework helps your learners practice what they have been taught in the classroom or prepare for an upcoming assessment. It has over 500 short stories in BSL, clips and questions to test your learners, and filmed assessment examples and tips. The BSL Homework also comes with a BSL Homework dictionary of over 1,100 signs.

At Level 2, the BSL Homework is available for all three units; BSL201, BSL202 and BSL203. Units cost £14.99 each. All three units can be bought together for £34.99 – a saving of more than 20%. Homework for Signature Level 1 Award in British Sign Language is also available.

For more information visit www.bslhomework.org.uk.

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