Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 Approach

Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 Approach

Signature agrees with the Scottish government’s May 2012 report, “Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 Approach”, that pupils should be given the opportunity to learn “modern European Languages, languages of the strong economies of the future, Gaelic and community languages of pupils in schools.” British Sign Language (BSL) is a community language for up to 7,000 people in Scotland.

Teaching BSL in schools would help to break down many of the communication barriers faced by Deaf pupils across Scotland. It would also help to increase the understanding of deafness and Deaf culture amongst Scotland’s learners. We are currently corresponding with the Scottish government as part of our campaign to create a Standard Grade in British Sign Language. We want all of Scotland’s learners, young and old, to have the opportunity to learn BSL and about Deaf Culture. Look out for updates on the campaign on our website.

Read the government report

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