Our Chief Executive, Jim Edwards, recently attended a meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Deafness to garner support for Signature’s campaign for a GCSE in BSL.
The meeting took place at the House of Commons on Tuesday 16 April and was also attended by Sir Malcolm Bruce MP and David Buxton, Chief Executive of the British Deaf Association.
Jim briefed the meeting on Signature’s campaign for a GCSE in BSL and gave a presentation making the case for change.
Signature believes there is a strong case for introducing a GCSE in BSL into the National Curriculum.
At the meeting Jim explained that a GCSE in BSL will 1) uphold deaf communication as a fundamental human right, 2) allow Deaf people who rely on BSL to be taught in their own language, 3) allow hearing children to study BSL and communicate with their Deaf peers.
A GCSE in BSL is an ongoing campaign for Signature so watch this space for further updates.