The qualification specification, unit specifications and regulations for our Level 6 NVQ Diploma in Sign Language Interpreting (QCF) are now available on our website. Click here to view.

Very little has changed from the qualification you are used to teaching. The unit content has minimal changes. In line with our other QCF qualifications the Performance Criteria and Guidance has been replaced with Learner Outcomes and Assessment Criteria.

The qualification is no longer limited to BSL and English. It can be delivered in a number of combinations signed language – signed language, or signed language – spoken language, as long as the candidates can demonstrate the required competences in both languages. That means people with appropriate skills in two signed languages, for instance BSL and ISL, can undertake the qualification. We ask centres to liaise with us in good time, to make sure we support appropriate verification of portfolios in new or unusual language combinations.

The evidence required for learners has changed slightly in response to feedback. See the unit specifications for more details.

NVQ Handbook 2010

Further guidance for teachers and assessors of Signature NVQ Certificate and Diploma qualifications is available in the new NVQ Handbook 2010.

This qualification is designed to enable learners to work with confidence in most situations, understand and use complex language and express themselves fluently when using two-way interpreting – This could be BSL to English or BSL to ISL.

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