As part of a Department for Education (DfE) funded grant being delivered through the National Deaf Children’s Society, Signature is developing a new Education Communication Support Worker (ECSW) qualification at Level 3. The qualification will be specifically aimed at those working with students who are under 16 years of age.
The aim is that the level of professional support available to deaf children at Key Stage 3 and 4 in the classroom will be improved and that learning support for deaf children in schools is recognised through a national standard. Signature is looking to pilot the project in the next academic year with 2 providers, the University of Central Lancashire and Exeter Royal Academy for Deaf Education. We will be seeking feedback on our current ECSW for the post-16 sector and inviting consultation toward the development of stage 2.
The National Sensory Impairment Partnership has been awarded a DfE contract to develop resources for children who are deaf and/or have sensory needs. As part of the contract, the BSL Coalition, chaired by Signature Chief Executive, Jim Edwards, will lead objectives relating to the current and potential provision for children using BSL, the impact of curriculum reform for schools, parents and learners and the production of a factsheet for using BSL in a tactile way. The work is taking place up to September 2014.