I-Sign 2 Board Meeting

We are attending a meeting of the I-Sign 2 Board today, at NDCS in London.

Each workstream will give a short update, this will be followed by a general discussion and the opportunity to ask the project lead questions.

We will be talking about the new qualification for those in the Communication Support Worker (CSW) role in Key Stages 3 and 4 and how this will appeal to existing csws, teaching assistants and new entrants to the profession.

The qualification is designed to be highly flexible giving recognition to prior learning. For example, a CSW who has the existing qualification will be able to choose to take one or two units of the new qualification to enhance what they have already learned.

The board will be updated on the CSW Development Fund, Family Sign Language and BSL Mapping findings. Dissemination plans and strategy for year two of the project will also be discussed.

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