Heather Jackson Award 2021

The Heather Jackson Award is presented jointly by the National Association of Deafened People (NADP), Signature, and Hearing Link. The award is made annually to a deafened person who has made a significant contribution to the improvement of the welfare and opportunities of deafened people, as well as enhanced positive relationships between deafened and hearing people.

A deafened person is someone with a significant hearing loss, whether sudden or gradual, who has spoken language rather than sign as their first or preferred language. They may or may not also rely on hearing aids/cochlear implants and may be able to hear sufficient speech or lip read.

The award, created in 2008 serves as a memorial to Heather Jackson, a charismatic and well-respected deafened person who died in 2007. You can read Heather's biography here.

This year, we want to ask you to nominate someone who you believe is deserving of the award. You can find the nomination form and more information about the process via this link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SLTVB3H

Previous winners are John Newton, Geoff Brown, Jane Atkinson, Ross Trotter, Cathy Cobbold, Ruth Myers, Peter Pullan, and Jane Shaw, Ronnie Bourne.

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