Discover the 2015 Signature Annual Awards

Now in their seventh year, we are expanding the reach and focus of the Signature Annual Awards. Every year we are astounded by the impact that the nominees have throughout their communities.

The 2015 Signature Annual Awards will focus on the community. We will celebrate the achievements of volunteers, businesses and others whose efforts help deaf people be fully involved in their communities.

There are seven new categories, they are:

Inspirational Young Person Award

Community Spirit Award

Entrepreneur Award

Outstanding Contribution Award

Outstanding Service Award

Community Impact Award

And the Community Group/Project Award, the recipient of this award will receive a grant of £2,000 to help them achieve their project aims.

Nominations are now open for all seven categories and they will close on Wednesday 10 June 2015. The national shortlists will be announced on Wednesday 8 July 2015.

To honour this year's national shortlisted nominees and to announce the winners, we will host Signature Recognises… The Community, at a prestigious awards evening in October 2015.

To find out more and to make a nomination please visit Signature Annual Awards

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