In December 2011, Signature ended accreditation for Level 3 Certificate in Facilitating Communication with Deafblind People (Manual). We had extended this by one year to make sure that learners were able to complete their studies. That left 3 Deafblind communication qualifications in our portfolio:
- Level 2 Award in Communicating with Deafblind People
- Level 2 Award in Communicating and Guiding with Deafblind People
- Level 3 Award in Insights into Communication with Congenitally Deafblind People
Signature is committed to improving the everyday communication experiences of Deafblind people, so we have focused on researching the communication needs of Deafblind people and those who work with them. The aim of this is to make sure we can develop replacement qualifications that meet the requirements of the sector.
We have consulted with our partners and have received some particularly useful and detailed responses from our key stakeholders. We will continue to analyse this feedback and will use this in our work to make sure that any new qualifications reflect the needs of Deafblind people.
If you have any comments on our Deafblind qualifications, please contact Doug Bradley at