Communication Support Bill update

Signature is one of seven leading deaf organisations and groups who are meeting in Westminster today to discuss the next steps for Sir Malcolm Bruce MP’s Communication Support Bill.

You may be aware that the Bill did not progress beyond its second reading last month because there was no time for its debate. Today, we will be involved in drafting the Bill, discussing how to maintain the levels of momentum and co-operation that have been achieved in recent months and will look at how to convince the government that action is needed to support language and communication support for deaf people.

We will join Action on Hearing Loss, the British Deaf Association, education group DEXperience and Facebook based campaign groups including ‘Spit the Dummy’. Sense will also be there representing deafblind people. Sir Malcolm will not be attending because he is in Burma as part of his role as the Chairman of the International Development Committee.

Watch this space for further updates.

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