Action on Hearing Loss are organising a free conference in celebration of their 100 years of existence, and you can watch it live online.
Want to know how hearing aids have changed in the last century, or what they are doing to help people who are deaf or have a hearing loss?
This event will answer these questions and many more. There will also be some distinguished guests including the actress Annette Crosbie who will be talking about her own experience of hearing loss. Attendees will also be able to interact with experts at the exhibition.
Where? Honourable Artillery Company, City Road, London, EC1Y 2BQ
When? 19 November, 11.30am to 4pm
Spaces are now limited to this exciting event. For more information and to apply visit the Action on Hearing Loss website. Alternatively, you can watch most of the talks live online for free, with subtitles and BSL interpretation, by using the live streaming site.