A one day course about BSL linguistics for BSL tutors

Saturday 18th April 2015, 10am-4.00pm.

The course aims to give BSL teachers basic background training on the linguistics of BSL.  It will introduce

  • BSL phonology (how a BSL sign is formed)
  • BSL morphology (how  meaningful elements are combined to make a sign)
  • Introduction to the BSL Corpus  as a resource for students and teachers

Concepts covered in the course will include classifiers, the use of space, and BSL sentence functions (affirmation, negation, questions).

The programme will have the following structure:

  1. Introduction to BSL Linguistics
  2. BSL phonology
  3. BSL morphology
  4. BSL Corpus project

This course will be taught in BSL by DCAL researchers, including Robert Adam, Kearsy Cormier and Bencie Woll

To make payment and enrol visit http://www.ucl.ac.uk/dcal/study/cpd/bsl_linguistics

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