2 new inductees into the Signature Hall of Fame

We are delighted to announce on Friday 17th November 2023, we have inducted 2 new people into the Signature Hall of Fame.

The 2 new inductees to the Signature Hall of Fame are Rubbena Aurangzeb-Tariq and Craig Crowley MBE.

The purpose of the Signature Hall of Fame is to give recognition, where it is due to individuals who have worked throughout the duration of our existence as an independent charity to improve deaf communications and contribute to deaf culture.

Rubbena has been inducted because of the work she has done around her deaf identity that explores the idea of belonging to a “minority within a minority” and the intersection between deafness, Muslim culture and feminism. This is as well as the significant contributions she has made to the arts and as one of the founders of the Deaf Ethnic Women’s Association (DEWA). Congratultions Rubbena and welcome to the Signature Hall of Fame.

Craig is being inducted because of his work over many years to promote BSL. The work he continues to do with Action Deafness, providing services in BSL interpreting and specialist care & community support, his work as the Honorary President and founder of UK Deaf Sport, and a Trustee for the Royal School for the Deaf Derby. In addition, Craig is now co-chair of the BSL Advisory Board; working with the Minister of State for Disabled People.

Congratulation’s Craig and welcome to the Signature Hall of Fame.

These individuals are setting the standard and making a difference to the lives of deaf people.

In Manchester last year, we inducted our first 10 inductees. All the nominees were nominated by the community, much like those who have been inducted today. They all deserve to be recognised and inducted because of their achievements.

This year we received over 130 nominations for people to be inducted into the Signature Hall of Fame, whittling it down to the 2 people in this room being inducted was a real challenge for our judging panel.

It is a testament to the community that there were so many deserving nominations and it goes to show how much can be achieved.

Lindsay Foster, Executive Director at Signature said: “We are delighted to induct Rubbena and Craig to the Signature Hall of Fame. We received over 130 nominations and I am sure that you will agree today’s inductees are thoroughly deserving.

The quality of nominations show how people and organisations can bring about change both within and outside of the deaf community to improve communication for all, positively influencing accessibility. They are all incredibly deserving of a place in the Signature Hall of Fame for all they have achieved.

We are now excited to be able to permanently honour their achievements through their place in the Signature Hall of Fame.”

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